Bernardo Solano

Mr. Solano has worked as a worldwide advisor on transfer pricing for some of the largest European multinational companies.

With more than ten years of experience on this subject, he has prepared studies on different industries in particular with the white goods and telecommunications industries.

Before joining BaseFirma, Mr. Solano worked for four years as Senior Manager for the global transfer pricing group at Ernst & Young (“E&Y”) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Previously, he had worked as an economic and commercial advisor for the Colombian Embassy in The Hague, The Netherlands and as consultant for the Dutch government in industrial development policies projects for Latin-American countries. He also negotiated projects in this field before the World Bank and the Interamerican Development Bank.

Mr. Solano has lectured at the Business School of Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotá. He has a master’s degree in development studies from the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, The Netherlands and a degree in industrial engineering from Universidad de los Andes Bogotá, Colombia. Mr. Solano speaks Spanish, English, Dutch and Portuguese fluently.

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