Financial Transactions
BaseFirma offers a collection of tools to help your company set up and price any kind of financial transaction.
Debt capacity analysis
A dynamic analysis of the capacity of repaying a loan, necessary to determine the arm’s length *size* of a loan. Analyze your financial information and determine the amount of sustainable debt that your company can handle. This analysis can be expanded for Senior/Subordinate debt structuring.
Loan Pricing
Using different methodologies and data providers, BaseFirma can assist you in determining the arm’s length terms, the economically relevant characteristics, and the optimal interest rate of the financial transaction. Multiple comparability adjustments are considered according to the delineation of the transaction, allowing for complex loan structuring.
Guarantee calculators
A toolkit designed to determine the different attributes of a guarantee arrangement and appropriate guarantee fee, under different methodologies consistent with the most recent OECD Guidelines.
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