The Press Room


Brazil’s Transfer Pricing Overhaul: A Narrowing Window for Action

Introduction Despite the attention that has been directed to Provisional Measure No. 1152/22 (“the PM”) as it makes its way through Brazil’s legislative system toward becoming law (see BaseFirma’s original analysis of the PM here), it is difficult to overstate the practical

Workshop sobre BEPS y Precios de Transferencia en Argentina

El Plan de Acción sobre BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) es una herramienta desarrollada por la OCDE para evitar la erosión de la base gravable y el traslado artificial de utilidades.  Es un plan de 15 puntos que pretende evitar la

Seminario: BEPS y Precios de Transferencia en Colombia

El Plan de Acción sobre BEPS (siglas en inglés para Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) es una herramienta desarrollada por la OCDE para evitar la erosión de la base gravable y el traslado artificial de utilidades.  Es un plan de 15 puntos

Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS)

Base Erosion and Profit Shifting One of the most important recent developments in international transfer pricing is the “Base Erosion and Profit Shifting” (BEPS) project that is being developed by the OECD and sponsored by the G20.   What is the BEPS

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